By rights I should be working my way around the Wetherspoons beer festival - and I will be soon. But I couldn't resist doing a bit more on extending this comic book-style series thingy (click to enlarge) I have been working on of late, this time inspired by the latest image Angela Fox has just kindly sent me. To set eyes on the latter image, though, you'll probably have to wait to see if Angela and I go through with our threat to create a full-blown graphic novel, and of course whether or not it adheres to the story arc of the INSTITUTIONALISED trilogy or goes somewhere else completely - a decision which is to some extent in your own hands, as I'm always open to fresh story ideas. I also should be dealing with my extensive backlog of emails and the comments which have been left on that Well Red Weekly ezine article I wrote on nuns in fictional spanking literature, but these are tasks I can tackle from my smartphone while in the various pubs I intend to visit. As to the latter - I am supposed to be in the West End later , so I'm off out now; first a couple in The Tollgate in Turnpike Lane, then The Coronet (a converted cinama no less, with many original features still in situ) in the Holloway Road and thence to the West End, The Metropole sometime after 5:30 and then the Wetherspoons in Paddington Station and then.... Who knows? I don't bite, so if you see me, buy me a pint... Oh, and I'd quite like a chat too! And I'll be in the first of those pubs - The Tollgate - in thirty minutes time (3:15 PM). Cheers!