And if that introduction leads you to think I grew up with my head enveloped in the Mighty Marvel Universe... You're SO right! Yeah, that sort of thing was typical of those good ol' Marvel Comics titles, wasn't it. A smidgen over a week ago I was in despair - now not so much.
You may remember I was asking around in regard to obtaining advice, hints and tips as to where to house my Weebly-demolished 'BEYOND THE BARRED WINDOW' website and its recently conceived little sibling, devoted to the spanking, discipline and humiliation orientated 1950s - influenced art of Roger Benson. Well - as I have said in reply to a comment recently - one of the folk I approached was the owner of 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE', a venerable institution of a site which has been around in one form or another since circa 1996. It so turns out that the owner of that site had recently tired of the task of running it and had shut up shop... So... SOooo... He has asked me if I would like to host my site using his domain / website host!!! Well... Obviously I accepted... I mean... I was gobsmacked!
For my part, I was - I am - loath to see such a venerable site finally sink beneath the waves. So having thought it over (not for VERY long it must be said) I have decided to resurrect 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE' in its entirety, with the aim of continuing to host all of its features, while having under my hat the idea of eventually revamping its overall look, perhaps updating the navigation - once I grasp a little better the concept of how the HTML / CSS coding works (I once read a book on HTML - one of those 'For Idiots' guides - back in 1999 I think it was; I gave it to my eldest daughter... I think it is the reason for her taking up bar work... no she's not a QC!). So I'll admit it - I was spoon fed at Weebly; all that drag-and-drop stuff makes you lazy. Now in order to integrate my Weebly-wizard-created website within the mighty echoing halls of 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE' I am having to get under the bonnet (hood - you US of A types) and get my hands greasy! So my concept - for the time being at least - is to create a site within a site, well two sites in a way, since an entire section is to be devoted to housing the work of Roger Benson. The question then becomes how to get the site / sites recognized by the various search engines.
As regards Roger Benson: Among my vairious projects I have on the go - including finishing of a book (perhaps two) and the comic book project I have going in colaboration with Angela Fox (who has just published a new title herself on Amazon incidently - FAIRY TALE LODGE; sorry I've misplaced the bloody cover art) I am also working with Roger Benson in helping revamp some of his art, with the aim of puting together THE definitive collection of his work all in the one location. And that location shall be within ''THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE', eventualy with intros, explanations and vairious other embelishments provided by the artist himself! It's ALL exciting stuff!
The content from my own website I have uploaded thus far most of you will have seen before; in that way I am still very much playing 'catch-up'. But a new section I have up my sleave will revolve around 'shame clothing' / 'punishment dress'. Yeah, there is loads available from the cannon of TV / peticoat punishment literature, but so very little devoted to the disciplining of the female of the species, especialy in the FF and Ff arenas. And so, among other things, I am currently colating material on that subject matter, especialy that pertaining to the world of the 1950s - 1960s (I feel there was so much more scope way back then!), thus today's offering: I just love the way she seems to be rubbing her bottom! Clearly there is a thouroughly blazing pair of plump bum cheeks under that skirt, and the girl old enough to marry, too! No wonder her cheeks look as if they are as aflame as her bottom!
Oh - I almost forgot: The best way in is probably to go to, scroll down to the bottom and click on the cell door to go to the 'What's New' page and then scroll down again untill you see one of Roger Bensons drawings (from his famous reformatory set). Click on that and you'll be rushed to his section. Then if you click on either of the links that mention yours truly you'll find yourself in a section of my old main website populated along the top by fly-out menus leading to all manner of delights... If you think the navigation is a bit clunky, well it is at the moment: I mean to say: I only uploaded the majority of the files last night (just over 500 MB by FTP - I left the computer running all night so, no, I don't know how long it took!)